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Myrna Burlock

How does one choose?

 How the heck does one choose?  We currently have 15 pure cultivars to choose from.  In lay man's language, liken it to going in to a wine boutique, or coffee/Barista, and trying to choose one or two.  Cultivars are types of olives, and yes, they are all different.  With more than 750+ known and cataloged cultivars, it can be overwhelming, and sometimes intimidating. This we understand.  I go into a wine specialty store like Bishops, Harvest, or Premium, and have no problem asking the staff for recommendations. Knowledgeable staff are happy to help me make my choice. I have no...

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Myrna Burlock

So, now what do I do with it?

 Over the course of the past few months, many new and regular customers are asking, "so now what do I do with it?" As it is not a part of our North American culture, most of us have not experienced fresh olive oil.  When customers come in, taste, fall in love with this beautiful elixir, they are amazed. But they are also a little unsure of just what to do with it. Fresh oil can be used in almost any application where butter or vegetable oil is used. (I will include the butter to EVOO chart at the end of...

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Myrna Burlock

A must read

 Welcome to 2012!  I am reading a 'fresh off the printing press" copy of Tom Mueller's "Extra Virginity". Tom has a way of melding history, facts, myths and story telling, into a real page turner. As I turn those pages, I find my self saying "who knew?" again and again. If the Keshen Goodman does not have a copy, I will donate one to them. We do carry the book at our store in Halifax, and will have them in soon at the Charlottetown Store, for those of you who want one of your own.

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Myrna Burlock

That Olive Oil May Not Be That Virginal

chris nuttall-smith From Wednesday's Globe and Mail Published Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011 6:00PM EST    There are few food terms as unimpeachable as “extra virgin.” The label, as applied to olive oil, stands for purity, for goodness, for healthfulness, even – for a natural product so fresh and so guileless that it’s not merely virginal, but doubly so. Or that’s what you’d think. In the summer of 2007, Tom Mueller, an American journalist living in Italy, published an article in The New Yorker that showed how the world’s most ubiquitous luxury food didn’t only fail to meet the “extra virgin”...

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