

Doing our part to supress a virus   Here is what we’re doing to combat COVID-19. As we know and understand more, we will improve our protocols.   We are no longer offering bottle refills but are accepting bottle returns.  Self-serve tastings will be suspended until the viral threat passes. Using bread for sampling is suspended. Wherever possible, we ask our patrons to use credit or debit cards and refrain from using cash. Our staff will rigorously conduct ongoing and thorough sterilization sweeps of our stores. Spiggots, credit card processing machines, computer keyboards, door handles. In effect - every touchable...

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One of the World's Best Olive Oil Palates!

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Onward and Upward!

Over the past several months, Liquid Gold has been introducing some new and innovative flavours in both our olive oil and vinegars. Thanks to many of you who have given us your feedback, we have been working with our amazing new supplier, to tweek and perfect. The end result on these products are truly like nothing we have tasted before. (We have also put in a few suggestions for new custom flavours, that will be exclusive to LG.) The quality and traceability of our oils and vinegars in store now, are better than ever, so if you have'nt been in...

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Mislabelled Extra Virign Olive Oil

adulteration health misslabelled news olive oil

    A U.S. class action lawsuit against popular brands of olive oil alleges the products are neither "made in Italy" nor "extra virgin" as the labels say. A California federal judge has approved two class actions lawsuits against the makers of Filippo Berio brand olive oil, sold through Safeway, and against the importers of Bertolli and Carapelli olive oils. Why extra virgin olive oil is not so innocent: journalist Tom Mueller on Q The lawsuits allege companies Salov North America Corp., maker of Filippo Berio olive oil, and Deoleo USA, which makes Bertolli and Carapelli, are mislabelling and misleading consumers. All three brands are...

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Shrubs- The Drink

The following, is a link to Wikipedia, describing the history of the "Shrub".  We will be posting our own versions of shrubs, using our balsamic and specialty vinegars, under a new recipe sub title "Shrubs".  These drinks are refreshing and healthy, when made without a lot of sugary syrups.  We like the option of alchoholic or not, so you decide if you want to add a splash of your favorite 'zipideedooda'.

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