
Amy Ingram
Can I grow an olive tree?

Can I grow an olive tree?

 While olive trees are fairly easy to grow, they are cold sensitive, they don’t like soggy soil, and they only produce fruit under very specific conditions. Olives will not tolerate temperatures below about 22 F (-5.5 C) for young trees and about 15 F (-9.5 C) for mature trees. They have a long growing season and require lots of sunlight and heat to mature the fruit before autumn freezes ruin the fruit. Olives will not produce well under subtropical or tropical conditions because rain during bloom will prevent pollination. That is why they can only be grown commercially in...

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Amy Ingram


Doing our part to supress a virus   Here is what we’re doing to combat COVID-19. As we know and understand more, we will improve our protocols.   We are no longer offering bottle refills but are accepting bottle returns.  Self-serve tastings will be suspended until the viral threat passes. Using bread for sampling is suspended. Wherever possible, we ask our patrons to use credit or debit cards and refrain from using cash. Our staff will rigorously conduct ongoing and thorough sterilization sweeps of our stores. Spiggots, credit card processing machines, computer keyboards, door handles. In effect - every touchable...

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Myrna Burlock

Myrna Burlock

Onward and Upward!

Over the past several months, Liquid Gold has been introducing some new and innovative flavours in both our olive oil and vinegars. Thanks to many of you who have given us your feedback, we have been working with our amazing new supplier, to tweek and perfect. The end result on these products are truly like nothing we have tasted before. (We have also put in a few suggestions for new custom flavours, that will be exclusive to LG.) The quality and traceability of our oils and vinegars in store now, are better than ever, so if you have'nt been in...

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