adulterated oil news olive oil

 Who can we trust?  Disappointed yet again, in those who should know better.

Knowing what to look for on a bottle of olive oil should not be complicated.  We have recently had yet another very vague label come to our attention.  There are names that we should be able to trust, in the world of 'good, fresh, gourmet', etc, and we want to honor those who offer an honest product. It is a challenge. 

Our job is to not only to provide fresh, high quality products, but to help customers understand what to look for when they are not able to pick up a bottle of Liquid Gold EVOO.  We know that a 'best before date' only indicates a 2 year timeline from when the product was bottled, not crushed.  It can sit for an unknown length of time, sometimes a year or more, before it is shipped to the bottling destination. If the product is not a regular commercial brand, there are certain expectations.  The crush date should be voluntary, if not mandatory on the label, or at least a lot number.  We recently found one with neither of these, nor a best before date!!  With nothing on the label to indicate any of this necessary information, who's to know if it is the latest season's crush, last, or worse, the year before. Some grocers mix them up, so how the heck do they even know!?

Before you pay for the bottle you pick off the shelf of your trusted grocer, look for something that will give you a clue about when the olives where crushed.  If you can not find the information you deserve to know, then bring it to the attention of the manager, or owner of the store. Keep in mind, if an olive has been picked, and crushed within 4 to 6 hours, kept out of high heat, light, and air, it can have a fairly long shelf life. 

We at Liquid Gold specialize in Pure, Fresh, Extra Virgin Olive Oils, high quality flavored Olive Oils, and lovely Balsamic Vinegars.  That is our focus.  



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