Spahetti Squash with Mexican Spice Olive Oil

Mexican Spice side dish Squash vegetarian


1 small spaghetti squash

Mexican Spice Infused Olive Oil for drizzling

Salt & Pepper to taste


Cut the squash in half. Discard the seeds out with a spoon.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Drizzle the inside of the squash with the Mexican Spice olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt & pepper. Wrap the 2 halves together face up in tin foil. Place on a sheet pan and roast in the oven for up to 2 hours.

The squash should be soft all the way through when done. After it's cooled, take a fork and scrape away the inside from skin. It should easily break into spaghetti like pieces.

Eat on it's own or as a side dish to accompany your main course.


*Add some fresh cilantro and sauteed garlic for some extra flavor

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