Braised White Turnip
1 kg / 2 lb white turnips, peeled
4 Tbsp Liquid Gold Butter infused olive oil or medium Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 C onions, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 tsp sugar (optional)
1 Tbsp Epices de Cru Curry of your choosing, ground
1. Peel turnips and cut in four pieces. Wash& dry well using paper towel.
2. Heat oil in large pan on medium heat. Add turnips & brown slowly, turning from time to time (8-10 min).
3. Add onions & continue stirring until onions become limp (5 min.)
4. Add garlic, sugar & curry – mix well. Add ½ cup water & simmer 5-10 min, until turnips are fork-tender & sauce is slightly thickened.
5. Sprinkle with cumin & serve with garlic yogurt.
Recipe courtesy of