Warm and Crispy Apple Tarts with Cinnamon Pear Balsamic

4 fresh Annapolis Valley Apples, peeled and chopped

1/3 cup brown sugar

1 tsp Epice de Cru Pumpkin Pie Spice

1 package frozen puff pastry sheets (2 per package)

1 cup whipping cream

2 Tbsp white sugar

½ cup Liquid Gold Cinnamon Pear Dark Balsamic


  1. Toss apples with pumpkin pie spice and brown sugar
  2. Cut puff pastry into 3” rounds and prick all over with a fork. Gently press into greased cups of a muffin pan.
  3. Spoon apple mixture into cups, make sure they are filled generously
  4. Bake at 375 for approximately 30 minutes until bubbling. Remove from oven and let cool slightly
  5. Meanwhile, pour balsamic vinegar into a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, and reduce until thickened slightly. Be sure not to reduce too much. Set aside to cool.
  6. Beat cream to soft peaks with the white sugar. Top each tart with whipped cream, and drizzle the balsamic over top, and serve
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