Gluten & Wheat Free Toritlla's

1.5 cups of Brown Rice Flour
1/2 cup of Arrowroot Flour
1/2 tsp of Sea Salt
1 tsp of Garlic Powder
1 cup of Boiled Water
Liquid Gold Robust EVOO for skillet
Epices de Cru spice of choice (Spanish Smoked Paprika is nice)
Mix first 4 ingredients together. Add boiled water (allow to cool some so you can still knead the dough by hand), and mix well. Knead dough and set aside.
Heat cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Cover the pan with Robust EVOO. While the pan heats up, separate dough into several small balls, and roll out to desired thickness (1/2 inch or less) over floured wax paper. Cook in pan, one at a time, for 2 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with Epices de Cru spice while cooking. Add more EVOO as needed.
Serve full or cut into strips.
*This is a super flexible recipe. You can add any spices that you desire, add more arrowroot if you want a chewier consistency, serve warm or cold, and they keep for several days wrapped in tin foil.

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